
Float Tank: The Weightless Oasis of Tranquility



Immerse yourself in the ultimate relaxation experience with our State-of-The-Art FLOAT TANK at Emerald Wellness and Bodywork. Filled with over a 1000lbs of Epson Salt, these sensory deprivation pods effortlessly support your body, allowing you to float weightlessly in a serene environment. Imagine what effect cutting off all external stimulation would have on human consciousness, A STATE OF DEEP RELAXATION! Floating is perfect for everyone but especially good for athletes to biohackers, those with Brain injuries, and even those battling mental illness, everyone is recognizing the life-changing power of frequent floating. Our world and lives are so chaotic everyone needs to escape from time to time. Let Emerald Wellness and Bodywork help you "FLOAT AWAY." Now is the Time to "LET IT GO."

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 How It Works

The float tank is a spacious, insulated cocoon-like pod, which is large enough for you to be inside with arms and legs stretched without touching the sides. Float tanks are designed with built in filtration and cleansing mechanisms which keep the water sterile, and free from microbes and debris. Both the water and air within the pod are precisely adjusted to your body's natural temperature, providing an experience where you lose the sensation of touch and the weight of gravity. Enhance your experience by turning off the lights and eliminating visual stimuli, creating a cocoon of tranquility. With ears plugged and submerged under the water, enjoy a serene escape free from external interruptions.  




What we provide for your floating experience

A shower with quality chemical free Ginger Lily Farms Botanicals Plant-Based products and fresh towels so that you can wash yourself clean before your float and rinse off the salt after your float.
Earplugs because your ears will be submerged while you float
Ointment to cover and protect cuts or scrapes that may be sensitive to the salt solution
Make up remover to help make sure you’re clean before getting in
A buoyant halo pillow to help position your neck comfortably
A washcloth and fresh water spray bottle to help any salt from your face
A vinegar ear flush to remove salt from your ears

A wide tooth hair comb


We encourage you to float in your birthday suit. If you choose to wear a swimsuit please rinse off in the shower with it on prior to entering the tank. We do not want laundry detergent chemicals in our tank.

YES you can float with lid open, lights on, and music on. You can start at any level of sensory deprivation you are comfortable with. 

You will be required to fill out a float tank intake/ waiver prior to entering the float room. Please arrive 20 minutes early to fill out the forms. Please see float waiver for contraindications for floating.

If you dye your hair, it must rinse clear. If you use a white towel and can see any dye you may not float.



Yes!  Pregnant women love to float! Many pregnant women find floating helps relieve the joint pain and inflammation associated with carrying additional baby weight. Floating has been shown to reduce cortisol levels and boost endorphins which may help counteract the hormonal changes associated with pregnancy which can result in insomnia, anxiety, and depression. Anecdotally, many mothers-to-be in the tank have amazing bonding experiences with their unborn baby known as the “mirror effect” where the baby rests peacefully in the womb while the mother rests in a similar womb-like environment which seems to reduce the effects of postpartum depression. Many pregnant women are also prescribed magnesium supplements so soaking in our 30% Epsom salt solution supports that need. Please consult with your physician before floating.

Float Tank Benefits

As you are peacefully cocooned from all stimulation – sound, sight, smell, touch and gravity – your mind gradually enters a state of profound relaxation. External stimulation accounts for 90% of normal neuro-muscular activity, and so when the senses are deprived in this way, and as you settle into the experience, the mind is able to shift from its habitual alpha state into a theta state.

Theta brain-waves occur most often in sleep and in deep meditation, and enhance mental access to memory, focus and intuition. Once in a theta state, the brain enters a deeply restful and healing process, which produces endorphins and leads to a multitude of benefits for both mental and physical wellbeing.

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Our  Epsom salt solution alone offers countless therapeutic benefits. It’s magnesium sulfate, which provides floaters with the fourth most abundant mineral in the body. Adequate magnesium levels can promote better sleep, exfoliate your skin, and it can even add volume to your hair.


In between each floater, the tank circulates the solution through the filter at least five times, meeting the strictest of health code standards across the U.S. Plus, with 1,000 pounds of Epsom salt, the solution has a similar mineral content to that of the Dead Sea, in which nothing can grow.

Ozone (O₃) and UV light are built into the filtration system and are the primary sanitizers. A couple ounces of a high-percentage hydrogen peroxide (H₂O₂) is the only other addition. Ozone has one oxygen molecule more than air, and hydrogen peroxide has one oxygen molecule more than water. As ozone and hydrogen peroxide pass through the UV light, the extra oxygen molecules are removed, creating hydroxyl radicals which act like magnets, attracting any particles in the solution that are too small for the filter until they become large enough to be removed.

This process, which is recommended by the Center For Disease Control (CDC) and the Float Tank Association (FTA), physically removes any contaminants from the solution. Air and water are the only byproducts, making this much safer for floaters than the alternative option of bromine. While bromine will kill anything in the solution, it does not help remove it. Bromine also burns off into a gas that will hang within four inches of the surface and is toxic to breathe, especially in a closed tank.

In addition to cleaning all touched surfaces between floaters and sanitizing daily,we deep clean weekly to scrub the entire room including the inside and outside of the tanks.

Manage StresS InCrease Creativity

Drift into a stress-free state as the float tank promotes deep relaxation.Being in a float pod lets you be alone with your thoughts with no other senses to consume your mind. This opens your mind’s creative potential and allows you to thin kin ways you are rarely able to in most situations. Writers, musicians, and performers have long believed floating opens their creative minds.

Reduce Pain

Experience relief as the Weightlessness of the float tank eases body tension and discomfort.Floating oxygenates your body which leads to improved blood flow. Better blood flow leads to pain reduction and because of this, floating has been used to treat many physical issues such as disc pain in people’s backs, fibromyalgia, and pain associated with stress and muscle tension. Floating is easy on your joints and is known to increase energy and ease of movement in people who do it.

Expedite Recovery

Accelerate your recovery journey by immersing yourself in the soothing embrace of the float tank.floating helps to reduce lactic acid which is the chemical that builds up in your muscles after working out. Reducing this allows you to recover quicker, avoid stiffness and muscle fatigue, and avoid injury. The calmness and relaxation floating provide have also been shown to aid in focus with athletes.

FLOAT in Space by feeling Weightless and Calm at Emerald Wellness and Bodywork, where our float tank redefines relaxation. Book an appointment and experience the tranquility.